Art Against Knives

Our first Roots collaboration


Our team were thrilled to collaborate with AAK for our first Roots project.

Art Against Knives is an incredible London-based charity, whose dedicated team intervene early to prevent young people from becoming victims or perpetrators of violent crime. They provide creative opportunities and spaces in London’s most isolated communities, co-designed with young people, that build on their strengths.

Excitingly, they had secured a new and permanent home for their operation; an old art gallery in North London, which they were having a launch party for.

Rather than just creating some pro-bono work for the event, we decided on a more collaborative approach. We ran a stream of workshops with a selection of their community who had shown an interest in design. These sessions were structured to guide the young people through the process of creating an identity for their launch event.

During these workshops, we shared insight into how a project like this would run through a professional creative studio – offering mentorship and guidance.

We learnt a lot from collaborating with the young people on the project and the brilliant people who work there. We hope you check them out, perhaps there is a way you can support their mission too!

It takes a village.
Thanks to everyone involved in this project.


Gabie – Strategist
Andy – Motion Design
Alisha – Graphic Design


Art Against Knives

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